keeping it down till we're
truly ready.
"Next Issue: #2 The Putrid World - Out in May" that's what
is written on the third cover/back cover of Issue #1 of The
Last Of My Days. As you all know, that's not been the case,
and not even in May of this year.
May is almost here and, with a year of delay, there's still no
"Putrid World" to be enjoyed. What is the problem? Did we
just lose any faith in the project? The opposite, our friends.
Issue #2 is already finished and just in need of some little
extra touches, while issue #4 is already progressing with
our relentless new artist Mattia Secci. What about Issue #3,
you wonder? It "just" needs to be colored and lettered, a
work that Daniele Ienuso and Dabro will start very soon.
Since the newfound rhythm in the artistic production,
Dabro, also the CEO and Editor of the company, has
decided to finish the next five issues (up to issue #6)
before starting to publish again. A wise choice, that will
make it possible to deliver the bi-monthly series that we
originally envisioned at the beginning, all the while not
overworking the artists involved.
Talking about artists, here is a little update on our status.
Mich is still finding his balance between being a penciler, a
father and a lumberjack. He's almost there though, so much
so, that he has started pestering (in a good way) his brother
about giving him material to draw.
Dabro, the middle brother, has found himself some work
offshore and his goal is to put even more time and funds
into the publishing house. His writing is also going strong.
Daniele has been very busy with new projects in the Italian
peninsula, and he even had to put aside The Last Of My
Days for a while. A good sign though: it means that his
talent is getting the renow it deserves.
Mattia as well, has been very busy. The guy is drawing, not
one, but two other comics series, and keeping up the pace
with TLOMD. One of the special few who can manage
quantity and quality together.
Mathias Konrad never misses a shot, and his character
designs are making a fuss all over the world. He has his own
personal projects going on, which we are very excited to
know more about, and he can't wait to draw even more
covers for The Last Of My Days.
So, that's it for now. Even if dormant on the surface, the
passions that stir Other Universe are still very active and
underneath, just waiting to erupt like Stromboli again when
the time is right. Just remember, still waters run deep. Until
then, we'll keep you updated, sharing progress and insights
about the series.
Oh! And our studios are also at a good stage in the
renovation process, so that's what we're going to share
next on our social media.